HERB - Culinary Source: Apicius online

Rauthulfr mwolfe at nwlink.com
Thu Dec 16 10:45:19 PST 1999

Greetings from Rauthulfr;
For those of you interested in VERY early culinary stuff, there is a
translation of a German translation of Apicius.  Hey, some of that Roman
stuff is pretty tasty...some of it is also wierd.

>http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mjw/recipes/ethnic/historical/ant-rom-coll.html >>

Yes, a translation of a translation.  But it has the virtue of being easily
available.  I have not checked it against any of the translations of
Apicius which I have handy...yet.  I thought I would send out the link first!


RauþúlfR Meistari inn Orþstóri (OL, MC, P-eX, Et Cetera)
An Tir Arts & Sciences Champion AS: XXXIII-XXXIV
or, non-SCA: Michael Wolfe M. A. I. S. AB-
*Practice Random Acts of Chocolate.....

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