HERB - Henna shades

Gaylin Walli gwalli at infoengine.com
Fri Jul 2 10:24:35 PDT 1999

Wolf wrote:

>and if you leave the bowl holding teh excess henna on the floor while helping
>your then-mate wash out the mess, and the siamese cat crawls into it and goes
>to sleep, you have a *very* wierd looking cat for quite a while .... to this
>date, i still have to explain to people that  remember the incident with great
>mirth that i did *not* henna the cat.

*You're* the one who henna'd the cat? You know this story has made it
through the SCA to the Middle Kingdom, don't you?

All, you are now in the presence of one bonafied, SCA urban legend waiting
to happen. Here's the source of the story. When you hear it again, you'll
know it's true, but the facts will be wrong and it will be a friend of a
friend who heard it from the neighbor's postal carrier.

*evil chuckle*

Iasmin De Cordoba
gwalli at infoengine.com

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