HERB - Soothers for children

Katherine Blackthorne kblackthorne at midtown.net
Thu Jul 22 21:38:47 PDT 1999

OK, I was a 16-year-old coming out of an abusive household, to move across
the continent with a mother I barely knew.  I had issues, to say the least,
tantrums you wouldn't believe, and more "triggers" than you could shake a
stick at.  Plus I didn't like my teachers.  Here's what helped (Mom,
correct me if I get this wrong):

One part skullcap
One part valarian
One part chamomile
Half part anise
Half part feverfew
Half part spearmint

Dose one teaspoonful/cup of hot water.
Use the "tea ritual" when serving & prepairing.  (This involves lots of
inhaling the steam and sipping slowly.  If there's a tendency to gulp it
down, make it too hot to drink quickly.)  Take time for tea.

This works -- but I'm not sure how it will interact with your daughter's
medications.  Keep in mind that valarian, while it has many other uses, is
also the basis for Valium.  Skullcap, while I have used it for years, I
have almost no information on it.

--Katherine Blackthorne

>I need some suggestions.  My eldest daughter is just turned 12.  She's been
>diagnoised with obsive-compulsive disorder, depression, she's basically a
>child that is harder on herself than I could ever be.  She's on Luvox which
>has made a marked improvement.  However she can open a textbook, not know the
>answer in a splitsecond and gets extremely upset.  She will work herself up
>in a frenzy over something that if she could calm down and think about it
>could easily get the answer.  There is a good chance of ADD also.  Happily
>her doctors are in agreement with me about not overmedicating her.  I'm
>looking for teas or herbs to help her calm down/slow down.
>I'd like to hear any ideas that have worked for you or someone you know.
>Jeanne de La Mer
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