HERB - Re: herbalist V1 #328 and Methyl Salicylate

Mike and Pat Luco mikel at pdq.net
Fri Jul 23 13:41:47 PDT 1999

I only got part of the last DIGEST, it hung up in the server somewhere???  But, I
did see the header listing.  I was unable to get the messages about Methyl
Salicylate.  Being a chemistry teacher I try to know what the chemicals in lab
will do to children.  BECAUSE you never know where they will put chemicals (in
their ears, swallow them, and other assorted pranks.)  We synthesize Meth Sal in
class, so I have done a cursory look at the pathways of breakdown.  It seems that
it tastes sweet but can have dangerous side effects if taken in larger
quantities.  I seem to remember that it only takes a few grams of the
concentrated/pure compound to cause some problems.  It breaks down to form free
salicylates in the bloodstream which can cause harm to the liver and if I
remember the eyes.  I don't have my books with me now, but if you do a search on
the web I KNOW you can find sites that list the dangers and concerns for people
making the stuff.  I hope this is helpful, as I couldn't read your previous

P.S.  It would be nice if someone (like Lady ANNES, pretty please) could forward
to me a copy of the Herbalist #328???

On a sad note:  School starts again in a two weeks (15 days), and once more I'll
miss going to Pennsic.  They can't understand why you want a holiday to play
knights and swords when you just had 2 months off.

Henri of Stargate, Ansteorra

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