HERB - Sagging plants

Sara Bairrington katri4684 at surfree.com
Fri May 28 10:53:23 PDT 1999

At 09:12 AM 5/28/99 -0500, Brian Hoberg wrote:
>I have a question of general concern about my plants. I water my herbs
>in the morning before work so that way they have sufficient water during
>these hot Texas days. I notice though, when I get home that some herbs
>(such as parsley) are still sagging to the groung becuase the weight of
>the water on the leaves forces the plant to sag the stem and put it on
>the ground. I'm afraid I'm doing something wrong concerning the watering
>and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a way to keep the
>stems up on the sagging plants? Help

Being from Texas and having tried hard to get my herbs to grow in the clay
soil of Austin, I can say that yes, you are doing something wrong.  First
of all, watering in the morning is good, but make sure you wet the soil and
don't get water on the leaves.  Most Texas water will leave a calcium film
on the leaves.  Also, the water droplets act as a magnifier for the sun.
Not a good thing.  Best to water them at soil level or wait til the evening
to water thoroughly.


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