HERB -good bulbs for flowers

Walter J. Wakefield wjwakefield at juno.com
Mon Nov 8 18:54:00 PST 1999

On Mon, 08 Nov 1999 10:00:48 -0500 Norma Storms
<stormsno at oplin.lib.oh.us> writes:
> Hail the list!
>Does anyone know of any  bulbs that the chipmunks will avoid that I
could plant
>now for the spring?  I'd like some flowers in the front of the house.

I am not sure about chipminks - around here we have more trouble with
squirrels.  However, I would think they would have similar dietary
requirements.  Squirrels are bad about eating tulips, so mine never
lasted more than a year or 2.  However, daffodile are another matter. 
Apparently daffodil bulbs are toxic to squirrels, so they leave them
alone.  I love daffodils anyway, so now I have quite a few.  Also, my
grape hyacinths lasted for several years (maybe too small for squirrels?)
 In Dallas, sometimes the winters are not very cold, and the flowers are
not as pretty in the spring - if you have that problem, put the bulbs in
the refridgerator for a couple of weeks before planting.  The other
flowers that have done well for me are iris.  They can be planted now. 
Be sure to leave the top of the rhizome just barely exposed.

Something to plant in the spring for fall flowers are Lycoris, commonly
known as surprise lilies.  They resemble tiger lilies, but are a redder
color.  Plant them in the spring, make sure they get enough water in late
August and September, and suddenly you will start seeing these stems
emerge from bare ground.  Then they bloom and are beautiful (late Sept.,
early Oct.).  THEN they put out leaves, which around here stay green all

Have fun!         Suzanna, the herbalist

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