HERB - Hack hack cough cough

Aline Swynbrook alineswynbrook at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 25 19:08:24 PST 1999

I can sympathize.  Your crud sounds like the allergy
thing I get once a quarter or so.  Does this sound
familiar: nasal drainage, hacking, often dry cough,
nasty congestion, that gross clogged feeling?

I get it about every two to three months, and
sometimes it visits me for a two week period or more. 
I call it the grado.  

My doctor has threatened more than once to put me on
an inhaler.  I can't use conventional drugs (ie.
Alegra) cause they all knock me out.  So, here is what
I do.  I sleep in a sitting position, propped on
pillows.  I drink warm lemon water, dose myself with
organge juice, vitamin C, and use euchalyptas (sp?)
essntial oils as room oderizer.  Above all, I sleep
off what I can and hope the next allergy season (in
about two months) will be milder.  It hasn't hit me
lately, but I'm due for another bout.  Good luck, and
feel better soon.  

(Tea is a good suggestion, but neither it nor coffee
sits well on my tummy.)

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