HERB - HERB Looking for

N.D. Wederstrandt nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Thu Sep 2 13:10:04 PDT 1999

>Does anyone know where I can find Goldenseal (hadrastis canadensis)
>Oh I found a wonderful new soap book.......Soothing Soaps For Healthy
>Skin by Sandy Maine
 Be very careful when getting goldenseal.  A great deal of it is
wildcrafted and the people who are hrvesting aren't always careful about
wiping out a colony.  So consequently the areas are getting less and less
about availibilty.

Osha has his problem as well.

On a diferent note, registration is in full swing so I haven't been able to
respond privately to a couple o people.  My apologies and I will get back
to hem soon.


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