HERB - Re:comfrey root (&c.)

Kathleen Keeler kkeeler at unlserve.unl.edu
Thu Sep 2 13:08:56 PDT 1999

Linda Willis wrote:

>         I could not possibly grow all the Comfrey root that I use.
>  Julitta, who rarely has time to post, but couldn't resist this one...

I grow comfrey but I don't use it for anything.  By next year I'll be weeding it out.  I should ? dry the root and
carry it to events where someone might take it off my hands?

What I'm up to my elbows in this year is the Chinese wormwood--don't remember the correct name--that we grew so my
husband can see what it looks like.  Its an important Chinese medicinal herb (probably the dried roots).  Its
terrifically attractive to bumble bees, and basically a pretty plant, but tall and has seeded in all over the
place. I'm going to be weeding out seedlings for years.

The sage (_Salvia officinalis_) is huge and has had a great year.  I am drying and drying and drying.

I had the wild idea to make a camping mattress of ladies bedstraw.  I bought two plants (despite the fact that its
running wild in the local parks and they'd probably let me gather it)--and I'm pleased to say they're
well-established after 1 summer, and spreading.  I will need maybe 30 or 100 x what is growing there for even a
1-person mattress, but I'm started.

Mag Mor Calontir aka Lincoln NE

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