HERB - On Tobacco

Rauthulfr mwolfe at nwlink.com
Wed Apr 5 09:01:20 PDT 2000

Of possible interest to the list is a snippet I posted to the history of 
tobacco page.
One is a normalized transcription of From Frampton's translation of Monardes:

At 02:41 PM 4/4/00 -0400, you wrote:
>This just got posted to our Kingdom list in response to a question, and I
>thought it might be of interest here.
>--------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Mark Mettler <mettler at bulloch.net>
>To: meridian-ty at egroups.com
>Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000 06:49:49 -0400
>Subject: Re: [TY] Re:Help on Tobacco
>Excerpted Dates from "This Smoking World" (1927), by A. E. Hamilton, The
>Century Co., New York
>Of earliest tobacco history in October of 1492 Columbus was given
>"Certain Dried Leaves" but they were discarded.  The first European
>believed to have smoked was Rodrigo de Jerez in November of 1492 who was
>introduced to the weed in what today would be considered a cigar while
>in China. Robert Pane, who accompanied Christopher Columbus on his
>second voyage in 1493, writes the first report of native tobacco use to
>appear in Europe in 1497. Then, in 1570, a medical book claimed first
>botanical book on tobacco is written by Pena and Lobel of London.  In
>1571 Dr. Monardes of Spain lists 36 maladies smoking tobacco cures but
>it is considered a drug not a general use item.  The English get wind of
>the book in 1577 and Frampton translates Monardes into English. European
>doctors look for new cures--tobacco is recommended for toothache,
>falling fingernails, worms, halitosis, lockjaw & cancer. (By now it's
>becoming addictive and at this point and the church passes a law against
>smoking in public places.) So by 1585 Sir Francis Drake introduces
>smoking to Sir Walter Raleigh in England.  Smoking then becomes a
>chartered business under the authority of the fellow whos' pipe tobacco
>cans are the basis of jokes I told as a kid.
>Here is a great web page on the
>I did a paper on the history of tobacco a few years ago, maybe I should
>dig it out and submit it to RUM.
>Ld. Gryffri de Newmarch

RauthulfR Meistari inn Orthstori (OL, mCE, P-eX, Et Cetera)
or, non-SCA: Michael Wolfe M. A. I. S. AB-
*Practice Random Acts of Chocolate.....

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