HERB - Herbal Hair Care Product Containers

Gaylin Walli gwalli at infoengine.com
Fri Apr 14 07:34:06 PDT 2000

Actually, a variety of ideas might have been used. I think that there
are pictures of general containers in the United States medical
archives (please let me look up the reference for you that I used
in a Kingdom A&S entry for something similar).

However, my guess based on the documents about herbal treatments
and things would be that they didn't always store them. Depending
on the ingredients and the purpose for which it was used, it may
or may not have been stored, often being created only on an as-needed
basis from ingredients on hand.

Could you tell us what you're entering? Perhaps when we knew that,
we could give you a better idea of the kind of container that might
be appropriate, if any. If you have only a little time and not enough
for comments from the list, consider using your pottery with a
simple cover of fabric tied with another bit of rag strip or string.
Those were *very* common covers for jars throughout our researched
time period.

Keep in touch,

Iasmin de Cordoba, gwalli at infoengine.com

>Dear Good Gentles.....Cecille de Baskervyl here....
>I am entering a Principality Herbal contest for period hair care 
>products.  I am not sure how to package my entry.....
>Can someone site me a reference or write me regarding what type of 
>containers were used for hair care products in the early to middle, 
>Middle Ages? 
>I am guessing probably small glazed crocks with lids, perhaps sealed 
>with wax. 
>Glass seems like it would have been very rare.
>Thanks, Cecille

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