HERB - Re: herbalist V1 #487--Linen Waters

CorwynWdwd@aol.com CorwynWdwd at aol.com
Tue Aug 22 18:36:45 PDT 2000

In a message dated 8/22/2000 3:56:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
fplecki at juno.com writes:

>  No, I don't (yet) know what a mangle is.

>From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary online:

mangle [2] (noun)

[Dutch mangel, from German, from Middle High German, diminutive of mange 
mangonel, mangle, from Latin manganum]

First appeared 1774

 : a machine for ironing laundry by passing it between heated rollers

And here I thought it was just another word for wringer....

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