HERB - Re: cornstarch

L W loki_q at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 23 06:27:11 PDT 2000

Greetings all,
I have noticed a thread about cornstarch lately, and have had some recent 
and pertinent experience with it.
I had major surgery recently, and had trouble getting the incision to heal.. 
it kept opening.I consulted my dr. on this and he told me to use 
cornstarch.. besides the obvious drying properties, but also was told that 
it is a natural product, therefore hypoallergenic. But most importantly, 
when applied to a wound, it cause granulation on the edges of the wound, 
encouraging it to close. Because the product is hypoallergenic.. there are 
no problems or concerns about infection from the product.. unlike talc which 
is synthetic.
I use cornstarch all the time to prevent heat rashes etc.
Lady Leonett
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