HERB - stevia

Walter J. Wakefield wjwakefield at juno.com
Mon Jan 10 19:12:48 PST 2000

If you are thinking of using stevia in place of a sugar in brewing, I
don't think it would work - nothing really for the little yeasties to
eat.  But I don't think it would interfere with the brewing process if
there was a source of sugar.  Stevia has a sweet taste, but is stronger
than sugar, and when too strong has a slightly bitter taste.  Some of the
members of my herb club make a strong infusion of stevia and then use it
in small amounts to sweeten teas and in preparing baked goods.  (For
baked goods, the recipe has to be adjusted for the fact the stevia is
introduced as a liquid, and some things just don't work when you
substitute for the sugar.)  If you experiment with it, please let us know
how it comes out.

Suzanna, the Herbalist

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