HERB - Plant Identification

Kathleen Keeler kkeeler at unlserve.unl.edu
Mon Jun 19 07:48:21 PDT 2000


   Your first post called it a weed.  I'd look in weed books first before
looking at trees (which, although weedy, aren't usually what people call

   Can you rule out ragweed, especially giant ragweed?

(Does camphor grow in Arkansas?  Surely eucalyptus doesn't.)

back from the War of the Lilies
kkeeler1 at unl.edu

sunshinegirl wrote:

> > Offhand I'd say it almost sounds like eucalyptus, except that has rounded
> > leaves. At least the ones I've seen do. Any particular shade of green?
> Where
> > do you live?
> >
> > Corwyn
> This is definately a plant, as opposed to a tree.  I live in Arkansas.  It
> is a medium green - too dark to be spring green, too light to be forest
> green.
> Melandra

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