HERB - A Modern Herbal

Rauthulfr mwolfe at nwlink.com
Tue Mar 21 10:58:02 PST 2000

By the time of the Renaissance there were three different spices identified 
as grains of paradise.  One was paprika, another was cardamom, and the 
other was grana paradisi.  Grieve was always pretty good about giving her 
plants their various popular names.  The challenge was that she often 
failed to give all the popular names which were available.  Actually the 
situation has become even more complex since botanists have begun playing 
with taxonomy.  We've come to the point that even the Scientific names come 
in several varieties.

As always the key with using any herbal as a reference, is to cross check 
with at least a couple of others!

At 01:20 PM 3/21/00 -0500, you wrote:
> > Sometimes one finds things by accident - I found paprika as Hungarian
> > pepper, and she said another name for it was grains of paradise...
>Those kinds of mistakes (grains of paradise are an african berry-- paprika
>is dried flesh of the red North American pepper fruit) are why I don't use

RauthulfR Meistari inn Orthstori (OL, mCE, P-eX, Et Cetera)
or, non-SCA: Michael Wolfe M. A. I. S. AB-
*Practice Random Acts of Chocolate.....

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