HERB - scrolls

dwilson dwilson at nbnet.nb.ca
Wed Mar 22 07:40:01 PST 2000

> > PS I finally got my promisory for my AoA. Now I have a silly question.
Can I
> > commission someone to do the actual scroll or do I have to wait for one
> > Atlantia? (Too embarassed to ask this question anywhere else.)

  I thought Atlantia was so backed up (1400 AoA`s) that you needed your coat
of arms approved before your scroll was done?   I am not sure about other
places but the East kingdom (the Royalty) gives these (below) out when you
get your AoA.
  I have been waiting for some one to mention scrolls.  My friend Lord
Aetheric Lindeberende has posted some of his Calligraphy and Illumination to
the web at   http://user.fundy.net/gaigneur/illumination.htm

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