HERB - citing, ahem, newage materials in handouts...

Jenne Heise jenne at tulgey.browser.net
Mon May 8 09:57:46 PDT 2000

Pardon while I lay this question before the list...

Right now, I'm working up a handout for class on making 'medieval-style'
fragranced oils and sweet waters. (There is a shortage oferiod recipes for
making fragranced oils, though I have some, and it is illegal in the US to
make sweet waters by distillation (because of the alcohol component), so I
am going to cover using essential oils and/or plant parts to make
fragranced oils and waters. 

I've been going through my bookcase looking for the clearest, best
resources I have on fragrance work, and there are some good ones. However,
one of the sources that I feel has the clearest explanation of modern
perfume blending (which people are going to be interested in, I think), is
a very new-agey, 'wiccan' book (_Witches' Brew: Secrets of Scents_ by
Morwyn). I'm trying to decide whether to include it in my list of
resources with appropriate caveats (her history is also very poor) or to
leave it out in order to avoid offending people and/or losing credibility.

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, mka Jennifer Heise	      jenne at tulgey.browser.net
disclaimer: i speak for no-one and no-one speaks for me.
	"Oh it's all too much, too grim, too lovely, too -- how should 
	I put this? It's general chaos." -- Edward Gorey

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