HERB - citing, ahem, newage materials in handouts...

Gaylin Walli gwalli at infoengine.com
Mon May 8 10:02:40 PDT 2000

Jadwiga asked:

>I'm trying to decide whether to include it in my list of
>resources with appropriate caveats (her history is also very poor) or to
>leave it out in order to avoid offending people and/or losing credibility.

I had this problem when I got my master's. My recommendation is
to create a small annotated bibliography. It doesn't have to be
anything large, like a major review of the work, but if you annotate
the bibliography you can put in a paragraph. It can simply state
very clearly that while the history section of the work is weak
and the approach is focused on New Age terminology that some
people might find tedious or offensive, the description of mixing
is far superior to most sources, which is why you're including

To annotate a bibliography in this manor shows that you've paid
attention to what you're reading, gives you credibility in that you
identify *both* strengths and weaknesses in your sources, and
finally gives your readers a better idea of why you chose the
sources you did.

Iasmin de Cordoba
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