HERB - citing, ahem, newage mater ials in handouts...

Magdalena magdlena at earthlink.net
Mon May 8 23:46:18 PDT 2000

"Walter J. Wakefield" wrote:

> When Daddy began making home-brewed beer (in the early 70's as I recall),
> he claimed to have looked into the laws involved.  He said that a head of
> household could make up to some quantity of beer and/or wine and *up to 1
> gallon of distilled liquor* per year per adult of drinking age in the
> household.


    I can speak for the 70s, but today's laws are very, very clear on the subject
of distillation.  In the US, it is illegal to increase the amount of alcohol in
something by any sort of distillation process without a (very expensive)
license.  Trust me, the brewers go over this about once every 6 months.  I have
chapter and verse of the laws.  ;<  The national law allows a single person to
brew up to 100 gallons of wine or beer a year, and the head of a household 200.
States are allowed to restrict brewing further, and some do, but the national law
supersedes more lenient state laws.  Texas doesn't restrict, Oklahoma forbids
beer and has odd travel restrictions on wine.  (Not that that stops Ok brewers!)


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