HERB - Freeze-distillation

Mary Temple noxcat at hotmail.com
Tue May 9 09:41:13 PDT 2000

My information came from a nutritionist (who had Ph.D.'s in both chemistry 
and biology), who taught my college level human nutrition class that the 
consensus among the scientific community is that the hang-over is much more 
a case of alcohol content than the "impurities" as the alcohol is the only 
real toxin involved. Although she did state that the higher sugar (and other 
impurities) content in wine doesn't help the dehydration, but she very 
emphatically stated that despite "popular" opinion, it is the alcohol 
content that is the single biggest factor in hang-overs. After telling us 
all the associated damage drinking can do, she told us that the easiest way 
to prevent (or recover from) hang-overs was to simply drink a lot of 
straight water - not gatorade or fruit juice as the sugar and other minerals 
will interfere with the water absorption, and  the minerals lost due to 
dehydration are not as critical as the water loss and will be resupplied by 
the next meal.

Freeze distilling apple wine would drastically increase the alcohol 
consumed, and if it's a home-brewed apple wine, it doesn't have a lot of the 
"impurities" that contribute to some people's hang-overs (like the sulfites 
and preservatives) in commercially produced grape wine.

I won't even go into how the liver damage in "experienced drinkers" is 
caused primarily by alcohol and makes them less capable of filtering 
impurities...and so more likely to be sensitive to them.

Lady Katerine Rowley

>While alcohol does dehydrate and cause some of the hangover symptoms, it
>should be noted that according to experienced drinkers wine gives a MUCH
>worse hangover than vodka. The consensus is that the impurities in the wine
>are the chief culprits. Straight pure alcohol isn't a good thing, but there
>are a plethora of poisons associated with the undistilled or badly 
>stuff. It's one of the stated reasons they discourage distillation in the
>In a message dated 5/9/2000 11:26:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
>noxcat at hotmail.com writes:
> > Uhm, The ALCOHOL is what gives one the hang-over. Aside from being a 
> >  alcohol dehydrates, both on the skin, and in the GI tract. I get 
> >  headaches the day after spending a day in the Texas summer heat if I 
> >  make a point of eating a salty meal the day before and drinking LOTS of
> >  water the day of.

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