HERB -- needed sympathetic ears

Wes Will wwill at globaleyes.net
Tue Oct 3 12:48:38 PDT 2000

>feel like such a fool if I go complaining to my landlord, but *someone stole 
>my herbs*!

Don't feel foolish, tell the landlord that there is a petty thief in the
area, your oregano was stolen right out of the ground.

I had a similar problem with a vegetable garden on the Air Force base in
West Berlin East Germany back in 1980.  Strawberries, squash, corn, beans,
peas, you name it, all were being harvested out of the plot I had rented
from the base recreation services people.  One of my German friends, a
middle-aged, very wise lady named Erika Daatz gave me a solution:
I dusted the entire plot with flour (the baking stuff, you know, ground
wheat) until it was powdered white all over right before things were ready
to harvest.  Then I put up a sign (in 2 languages) saying "Giftig"
"Poison"  --  "Lebensgefahr" "Dangerous".  Every time I did that, I got to
harvest things.  Any time I forgot, I was pilfered from.

Eventually I just stayed out there all night and waited, when there was
something about to be edible.  Caught two security policemen on patrol
gnoshing my red currants.  Told their boss about it.....It wasn't a pretty
sight.  Ended the problem, though.

Eoin Caimbeul
(MKA Wes Will)
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