HERB -- needed sympathetic ears

annys wolf of wharram percy annys at ot.com
Tue Oct 3 12:40:48 PDT 2000

I am furious for you.  There aught to be a law...

> From: "Katherine Blackthorne" <kblackthorne at hotmail.com>
> Reply-To: herbalist at ansteorra.org
> Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 12:16:26 PDT
> To: herbalist at ansteorra.org
> Subject: HERB -- needed sympathetic ears
> I've been stewing for a couple days now, and the worst part was knowing no
> one else would really understand why I was upset...
> We moved to a new home in January.  There was a garden bed out back...
> mostly full of "feral" trees & weeds... with nothing but a trowel &
> determination, I conquered the plot & had the beginnings of an herb garden.
> The only thing that would really be ready to harvest this year was my
> oregano.
> I went out back Sunday to water, and my oregano was GONE!  Poof!  This brown
> place where there should have been green!
> It's not like oregano's valuable... how, why would someone do this?  I'll
> feel like such a fool if I go complaining to my landlord, but *someone stole
> my herbs*!
> Thanks for listening,
> --Katherine
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