HERB - Re: herbalist V1 #542

BJ of NZ bjofnz at yahoo.co.nz
Thu Oct 19 15:47:45 PDT 2000

> - -Lady Wyllow MacMuireadhaigh
> wyllowmacm at netscape.net
Hi i tried to send this privately to said address but
iT got bouced so wyllowmacm at netscape.net 

Permission to print brilliant dye speel
It's Just what I'm looking for and procrastinating
against Writing myself- I am the chronicler for
Ildhafn-Auckland New Zealand

oops Introduction
Bea -L. Beatriz de Compostella
Hi I'm on the herb list  a keen medicinal and cooking
herb grower 
a friend  has me adding a dye herb bed  to my garden
so I am keen to find out more about them (and put it
in our quarterly) so far mainly weld  and ladies bed
straw an a plan for a crocus  bed.woad madder ECT.
I enjoyed reading your Piece and would like to use it
May I
BJ of NZ


>From bjofnz at yahoo.co.nz

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