HERB - Re: help from painters, gardeners and dyers needed

Jenne Heise jenne at mail.browser.net
Mon Mar 26 08:27:08 PST 2001

> Red bugs (cochineal) can be had from most dyer's
> supply places. Dharma Trading Co. is one.
> www.dharmatrading.com
> Richter's in Canada sells indigo, woad, weld, and
> madder seeds. I believe Rose Madder is a lake type
> paint made from madder root, which along with indigo
> is also available from Dharma and other dye suppliers.
> There was an article in TI 6-7 years ago by a lady
> translating a master's book, describing a pink paint
> she made from madder using the 16th C. recipe.

You may want to take a look at _The Red Dyes: Cochinenal, Madder, and Murex Purple_, by
Gosta Sandberg. It's a very good book and gives recipes for these dyes.

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, mka Jennifer Heise	      jenne at mail.browser.net
disclaimer: i speak for no-one and no-one speaks for me.
"The worst thing I can say of a person is, 'they couldn't be bothered'."  
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