[Herbalist] beeswax on ebay

Tara tsersen at nni.com
Thu Oct 4 07:48:20 PDT 2001

That is a pretty awesome price.  I may bid on a few pounds...  The best
price I could find locally was $4.50/lb, and I thought I was getting a
real steal at that!  This works out to about $3/lb.


Gaylin Walli wrote:
> I don't know how many of you need it, but there's an auction on eBay
> I thought some of you might be interested in (I'm not the seller nor
> do I know them). A friend of mine just forwarded it to me. If you
> have projects you do you might want to check this out:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1644455389
> Iasmin
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