[Herbalist] home remedies for infection?

Jenne Heise jenne at mail.browser.net
Mon Oct 15 13:06:58 PDT 2001

> *sigh* I usually don't ask about home remedies on this list, but I need to
> tap the collective knowledge. About a month ago, I went to my dr. with
> what he diagnosed as a salivary gland infection. He gave me a 10-day
> course of antibiotics and it went away. Now it appears to be back. *sigh*
> If I go back to him only a month or so later with the same thing, he'll
> freak. (Between recurring sinus infections, quinsy, and now this, I'm the
> Antibiotic Queen of Bethlehem, and it makes him justifiably nervous to
> keep prescribing the things.)
> Any suggestions for home remedies to try as a first line?

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, mka Jennifer Heise	      jenne at mail.browser.net
disclaimer: i speak for no-one and no-one speaks for me.
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