[Herbalist] Re: Starting Roses

Corwyn and Carowyn silveroak at juno.com
Sun Jul 14 21:35:16 PDT 2002


>By the way - does anyone have advice onpropagating
>roses from cuttings?!?

Yup.  Twp ways:

1) The Easy Way - go to the local hardware store, buy Rootone, follow
directions.  It may work somewhat well.

2) The Hard Way - go, take cuttings about 6 to 8 inches or so, soak the
cut ends in water for 2-3 days, prepare good potting soil in the ground
or in a pot, plant the cuttings "as is", cover with a mason jar, shovel
dirt around and over the jar if it's in the sun too much (cuttings like
some shade), and make sure the little thing is well-watered, without
moving the jar.  You'll know if it took root - look through the jar, if
it looked like it died, it did.  If it looks like it's gonna take the jar
off in a few months, it survived!

-Caro, who's planting her antique roses the hard way tomorrow, but is
using Rootone too

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