[Loch-ruadh] Wandering Bardic -- TONIGHT

Jane Sitton jane.sitton at radioshack.com
Fri Aug 3 09:47:53 PDT 2001

House Brokenaxe's monthly Wandering Bardic is TONIGHT.

Sorry for the late notice, but a site was found late yesterday; otherwise,
it would have been postponed a week.

Where:	1246 Abelia Dr.  Fort Worth

This is the home of Cian (last name escapes me), mka John Lovelady.  It is
on Lake Worth, just off of loop 820.  Mapquest works for this address.

When:	Tonight, Friday, August 3rd, 7:30 p.m. -- ??

This is a nice, secluded location.  Bring a chair, your songbooks, musical
instruments, something to drink, and a dish to share in the potluck feast.
Cian will be cooking hamburgers as well.  Garb is optional.  Clothing is
not, unless you paint yourself blue.

In service,
Madelina de Lyndesaye

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