[Loch-ruadh] Logan's surgery

Jane Sitton jane.sitton at radioshack.com
Mon Jul 2 07:02:40 PDT 2001

Good friends,

Logan made it through the surgery just fine.  He complains that it feels
like he had a knife stuck in his belly, but other than that, he said it does
feel like his guts are back in the right place.

He thoroughly enjoyed the weekend off from the kids, who had a blast at
Academy of the Bow, despite the rain.  They both are hot to start learning

I never camped without Logan to help set up & break down the camp... boy, is
it a lot of work!  I was relieved to get to work today just so I can have
some rest!

Thanks to everyone who sent good thoughts and prayers Logan's way.  Proof
once again that Loch Ruadh is interceding with the deities!

Many thanks,
Madelina de Lyndesaye
mka Jane Sitton-Logan

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