[Loch-ruadh] Cell Phone Numbers for Event Contact

Donna Wallis mama_mac at airmail.net
Tue Jul 10 09:07:17 PDT 2001

At populace meeting we discussed having a list of coordinators cell
phone numbers to make contact easier just before and during our event.
If you are a coordinator (or not) and want your number on this list
please sent the number to me (not over the list) at mama_mac at airmail.net
Even if I already have your number.......send it again.  I just love
"cut and paste".  Thanks, Domhnall for your # .... it reminded me I
needed to send out this  :).


Please speak to me gently, without raising your voice,
and without contradicting me in any way.
In people my age, noise and contradiction provoke hypertension,
gastric hyperacidity and cardiovascular troubles,
so that I rapidly become disagreeable.
"Thanks to Domhnall for the sig line :)"

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