[Loch-ruadh] Today in history Sept. 20

Wed Sep 19 23:11:46 PDT 2001

357 Birth of Alexander III the Great, King of Macedonia, Emperor (BCE).
451 CHALONS-SUR-MARNE (Romans victorious over Attila the Hun).
622 Muhammad changes the name of Yathrib to Medina.
833 Caliph Mu'tasim enters Baghdad.
1066 FULFORD (Edwin and Morcar of the English, defeated by Harald III
(Haardrada), King of Norway, and Tostig).
1069 Occupation of York by rebels against King William I.
1187 Saladin lays siege to Jerusalem.
1258 Consecration of Salisbury Cathedral, England.
1276 Coronation of Pope John XXI (there was no John XX).
1319 CHAPTER OF MYTON (Scots victory over English).
1378 Catholic church splits, with the election of Clement VII as anti-Pope.
1384 Death of Louis I, King of Naples and Duke of Anjou.
1410 Treaty of Arras.
1414 The Emperor of China receives a giraffe in tribute from Bengal, India.
1415 Death of Owen Glyn Dwr.
1440 Founding of Eton College.
1519 Magellan sets sail to circumnavigate the globe.
1540 1st auto-da-f, in Lisbon is held.
1546 The Royal College of Physicians in London receives a Grant of Arms.
1553 Faire held at Lyme Regis, England.
1562 Elizabeth, Queen of England, signs a treaty with Louis de Bourbon, the
Prince of Conde.
1562 English land at Le Havre.
1565 Massacre of Fort Caroline, Florida, by the Spanish.

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