[Loch-Ruadh] !!!Thank you

Jane Sitton jane.sitton at radioshack.com
Mon Dec 16 08:40:30 PST 2002

So, was there a prize for winning?  Vivat, Loch Ruadh!

Yes, thanks to those who saved our chairs and put down placemats for our
use.  I will launder them and bring them to bardic, if I feel up to
attending.  (Gwenllian told me I looked flushed, and asked after my health
at Yule Revel, so I'm still trying to take it easy.)

I did note that House Mac was mentioned in regards to the table
decorations... did they mention the Canton as well?  I don't want it to
sound like sour grapes, but that's probably what it is, to be honest.  I did
hold up my plate, too, when the announcement was made, and felt a bit miffed
when I didn't hear "and the rest of Loch Ruadh as well," or some such.  I
know I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve, and often jump to conclusions.
But perhaps I just missed it.  The hall was frequently loud due to all the

Along those lines, I wasn't aware Conor was having a Yule party.  Perhaps
it's a House Mac thing.  If so, I respectfully request people to not mention
private parties and such on the Canton list.  I missed hearing about Tegward
and Caitrin's party as well, and have to assume either my invitation was
lost in the mail, I specifically wasn't invited, or it was a House Mac
thing, which believe it or not, does leave out a few people in the Canton.
I did feel miffed about that because I was bummed that Wandering Bardic was
cancelled, and would have attended if I had been invited.  More sour grapes,
I know.  I guess I've got enough to make some wine now....

Sorry this missive has taken this turn.  Please don't take it the wrong way.
I love my Canton, and really wanted to belong to House Mac.  Seeing how
wonderfully you all got along and being on the outside, and not sitting with
any of you really put a damper on my spirits.  It was only the fact that
Falconrose, some Tor folk, and especially Lady Innes made me, my kids, AND
Logan feel welcome that really made Yule Revel special.

Okay, I got that off my chest.  I hope I didn't offend anyone.

off to clean out the carboy (buoy?) to make that wine I mentioned....

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Cantley [mailto:yukon505 at hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 7:15 PM
To: loch-ruadh at ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Loch-Ruadh] !!!Thank you

Well, Loch Ruadh won the table decorating competition and a special mention
was made about the plates amongst the rest of the decorations.  A lot of
appreciative glances were made at our tables.  Many thanks to all who got
there early and got it all setup up for us latecomers.  Lady Francesca and I
had a wonderful time even when I couldn't get her to stop playing with that
d*** noisy sheep.
We missed you Asa and Thorgeir but are very proud of Asa and her newest
Artisan title.  Just goes to show you don't have to be a peer to be the best
:)  Padraig and Amber, Dunstan and his lady, and Caerell and the boys were
missed as well. Thank you all for the wonderful gifts (yeah, yeah, sheep
included, I got 8 more last night) but I will say, most of the candies and
sweet foods came home with me.  Francesca said it would throw her eating
plan way off if they stayed at her place :)  And for those of you that will
be making it to Conor's Yule party at our place next Saturday, you'll be
able to see how bad my sheep infestation has become!!!  They're in to and on

See you all soon and thanks again for a wonderful time.

Congrats Asa!!!


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