[Loch-Ruadh] Upcoming September Demos

Spence Mabry SMABRY at flash.net
Fri Aug 15 14:00:52 PDT 2003

Once again it is time for our second largest and 
successful demo to occur.  I am talking about the 
Keller Library Demo, coming up on September 13th, two 
weeks before Elfsea Defender XXV.  This is a great 
opportunity to pull newcomers in (just ask Irina!) as 
well as to fulfill our "charter" as a non-profit 
educational organization.

Once again, they want as many of us as possible 
there.  They would also like a whole lot of hands-on 
demonstrations (such as spinning, weaving, dyeing, 
illumination, calligraphy, metal-casting, armor-
making), talks about the Middle Ages and Heraldry, and 
of course the ever-popular chivalric and rapier 

They especially want people who can do hands-on crafts 
of any kind and have asked if we could try to have 
some illuminators and scribes out there to show their 

This is a great time to pull in newcomers -- remember 
Elfsea Defender XXV (with a Baronial Investiture) is 
only 2 weeks away.  We can pull these people in to our 
Baronial Premier Event.  

Let me know what you will do to make this a rousing 

Again, the date is September 13th (there's not a lot 
going on that week, just a small event in Stargate and 
one in Mooneschadowe) and the times are from 1:00 to 
4:30 p.m.

Also, on September 23rd, the Tuesday before Elfsea 
Defender, the Arlington Mail Public Lirbary would like 
for us to do a smaller, scaled-down version of  what 
we do at Keller.  This would be from 6:30 to about 
9:00 p.m. that evening.

Any and all who can make either one or both of these, 
please contact me so I can give the respective 
libraries a heads-up on our participation.

Lord Ceatta o Gulcleth
Demo Coordinator, Barony of Elfsea

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