[Loch-Ruadh] Awards for HooHah Court

Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain padraig_ruad at irishbard.org
Sun Jul 17 22:26:07 PDT 2005

Once again the time draws nigh for HooHah Court!

Her Exaltedness, the Grand HooHah, has asked that recommendations be 
submitted for Awards and other business to take place at Her Court, which 
will take place sometime after dark on Saturday, 6 August, at Lughnasad.

As is the Grand HooHah's custom, she is sneaking into Baroness Dana's 
computer room and using the Baroness's email to receive these 
recommendations.  Please send email for the HooHah to sca004 at sbcglobal.net, 
with the words HooHah Court in the subject line.  This way, the HooHah will 
know which emails are meant for her.

I have it on good authority that the Boner Award will be given again this 
year, and the HooHah is looking for advice on just the right person to 
bestow this... award upon.

Please have your recommendations to the HooHah no later than one week prior 
to the event, so that she may have time to consider and prepare.

In Service to Her Grand Exaltedness,
I remain,
Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain
HooHah Herald
Nunc est bibendum
Politicians prefer unarmed peasants. 

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