[Loch-Ruadh] Speaking Forsoothly - Daily Lesson 24

Pádraig Ruad Ó Maolagáin padraig_ruad at irishbard.org
Wed Jan 3 11:58:05 PST 2007

"Daily" Lesson 24

Number and Measures – 4


* Mouthfull  - about 1/2 ounce
          (NOTE:  This is obviously NOT an Irish Bard mouthfull)
* Jigger  - 2 mouthfulls, or about 1 ounce
* Jack or Jackpot  - 2 jiggers
* Gill or Jill - 2 jacks
* Cup - 2 gills
* Pint - 2 cups
* Quart - 2 pints
* Pottle or Half Gallon - 2 quarts
* Gallon - 2 pottles
* Peck - 2 gallons
* Half Bushel - 2 pecks
* Bushel - 2 half bushels
* Cask, Strike, or Coomb - 2 bushels
* Barrel - 2 casks
* Hogshead - 2 barrels
* Butt or Pipe - 2 hogsheads (and now you know how big a buttload is)
* Tun - 2 butts (A tun is approximately a ton) A Tun is 2,048 lbs, but is
a fair estimate given that the weight and volume can be derived all from
mouthfulls of water.

Shakespearian Word/Phrase of the Day:
	Hale – Haul or drag
	“Hale him forth, that I may confront him face to face!”

Nunc est bibendum.
Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.

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