[Loch-soilleir] In need of a Coastal Siege Engine Marshal ASAP

BOWERMAN, MATTHEW S. (JSC-DV6) (USA) matthew.s.bowerman1 at jsc.nasa.gov
Tue Oct 5 09:39:03 PDT 2004

Greetings to the Loch,
I recommend myself to you.  I have received word from the Honorable Lord
Aldric de Kerr (DEM Kingdom Siege Marshal).  It seems that he is in need of
a Coastal Regional Siege Marshal.  Now I know there are many in the Loch
that know their way around a siege engine.  The Earl Marshal has asked 
HL Aldric de Kerr to get his Regionals rolling on building, and fielding
siege engines for Gulf War.  We only had one engine last year, and it failed
inspection.  This is really sad.  Are there any in the Loch, or Stargate
that are interested in taking on this office? I will be willing to help whom
ever steps up to the challenge in any way I can.  
Here is the "Short list" version of the duties for this office:
1.) Be familiar with Siege weapon/engine rules and requirements.
2.) Be familiar with Armor requirements for chivalric (and possibly Rapier) 
3.) Send in monthly reports to the Kingdom Siege Marshal regarding any 
regional activity. (IE: Siege engines being built & tested, authorizations 
for siege personnel & siege equipment, any siege competitions/tourneys 
(still working on making this happen on an event by event status), etc.)
4.) Promote and support Siege weapons in your region. This includes opening 
and filling siege officer positions in local groups. These would be 
technically Deputy Knight Marshal positions and should work with the local 
Knight Marshal in regards to armor requirements etc.)
In Service,
Lord Rodrigo Diaz de Navarre
Coastal Knight Marshal   

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