[Loch-soilleir] Destination Coronation

Hedwig von Luneborg lochherald at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 08:54:28 PST 2005

If we go we won't be staying in a hotel.  We're mainly looking for people to
sit with at dinner...walk around with and annoy others and generally have a
good time.  Gunthar didn't get to go to Coronation in July (except by
digital camera..."Hi this is my husband Gunthar SMILE!)  so I'm hoping we
can go this time.
We have loads of family in Rosenfeld so our kids won't be with us and we
will have lodging...
Anyway, there's more info on that...probably more than you wanted....

Oh, and Your Grace,  I'm sure Gunthar would be more than happy to have some
assistance on getting his gear in good order before then... :-)

As always I remain:

In Service to (and pursuit of) "The Dream",
Lady Hedwig von Luneborg

"To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to
society." --
Theodore Roosevelt
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