[Loch-soilleir] Yule Thanks

Fergus Stout bullheaded67 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 18 07:05:26 PST 2006

Greetings ma freends!
Fride and I wanted to thank you all for your wonderful words of encouragement as we prepared our first feast.  It truly means a lot to both of us and made the experience one to remember.  Our society has a stated goal of education and this weekend gave us both ample opportunity to learn and we did!
Katharyn and Dale - thank you so much for your generous gift at such a difficult time in your personal lives.  Your kind thought and generous action helped make a memorable feast for the Loch.  Thank you and Huzzah!
Dame Clara - thank you very much for coordinating service for us.  Coming into the feast we realized we didn't have the necessary knowledge of what resources were available for food service and you bridged that gap marvelously.  You continue to inspire us and we are truly blessed knowing you and having you as a friend.  Thank you.
Herr Gunthar - your capacity for hard work and desire to help others was quite evident this weekend.  In reflection, we don't think an hour went by that you weren't asking us if we needed anything or had any dishes to wash.  We were able to concentrate on cooking with utter confidence that Gunthar had everything on 'that' side of the kitchen under control.  Lords and Ladies - he did this of his own initiative without us asking.  We saw him out and about doing other things on the site as well - a whirlwind of activity seemed to follow in his footsteps.  Thank you.
Herrin Hedwig - thank you for running such a wonderful event and allowing us to do feast.  There is always something special about 'firsts' and this one truly was special in many ways.  The St. Crispin's speech from Shakespeare's Henry V keeps popping into my head as I think back on Saturday.  I think this was definitely an event people will regret missing.  Thank you.
To all of you who helped out with prep on Friday night and throughout Saturday our warmest thanks.  Many hands make light work and you definitely made things easier.  At times it really was like family sitting around the kitchen making dinner.  Loch Soilleir is truly enriched by your presence and what a wonderful place this is we call home.
Cheerio the nou!

Fergus and Fride

----- Original Message ----
From: Hedwig von Luneborg <lochherald at gmail.com>
To: Loch Soilleir Announcements <loch-soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 10:41:23 PM
Subject: [Loch-soilleir] Yule Thanks

Greetings All,

            What a wonderful time we all had today.  I'd like to thank
several people for helping me make this day possible.  First, HL Wyllow for
helping us to obtain the facility; it is a wonderful site and we thoroughly
loved using it.  Second Fergus and Frieda for stepping up at the last minute
and doing feast with such gusto! No one left hungry, everyone was impressed
and I won't have to eat for at least days now!  Your feast was magnificent!
Next, Tristan and the set up and take down crew.  You all proved that you
CAN get in and out of a building and leave it better than you found it in
less than 2 hours!  You guys rock!  Brian, the boar extraordinaire, herald
of high renown and all around go to man…you rock and your help this weekend
was invaluable.  Dame Clara, thank you for stepping into the kitchen, taking
over service coordination and making sure everyone was able to enjoy that
feast.  The smoothness of service and the enjoying noises in the hall were
surely due to your guidance.  Giovanna, you ran gate, you made me laugh and
you are such an asset to our group!  Thank you for your help and efforts.  HL
Rhi…the kids (even the "tall" ones) had such a blast today.  Thank you for
running MoC!

Last, but certainly never least, my dear and wonderful husband Gunthar.  You
washed dishes all day, you chased the kids, you calmed me, and you were my
silent support.  Your willingness to do what needed to be done…even before
the event is so special and awesome.  Thank you for being there for me and
lending your aid to our barony.  I would never have been able to pull it all
off today with a smile were it not for you!

Merry Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone!

A tired but happy Hedwig

Herrin Hedwig

Ich bin NICHT eine Eule!
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