[Loch-soilleir] coronation

Kathy Cofrin kcofrin at flash.net
Thu Jul 6 06:29:25 PDT 2006

Not to put a damper on your plans, but Avatar and I
thought about renting a van to go to Pennsic once and
it was very expensive.  It might not be so much for
San Angelo.  Good luck.

--- Fergus Stout <bullheaded67 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Ma guid freends,
> After speaking with some of you privately about
> coronation, I wonder if anyone would be interested
> in renting a van and traveling as a group?  I could
> look into the particulars today.  It might be too
> late to find a rental and I have no idea how much
> they cost.  Let me know if you are interested in
> persuing this idea.  My plans are to leave this area
> around midnight Friday night and drive through to
> San Angelo.  Fride and I work tomorrow so we can't
> leave before tomorrow night anyway - this way I can
> grab a nap before the drive.  Let me know ASAP if
> you are interested in renting a van!
> cheerio the nou,
> Fergus
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Kathy Cofrin
Baroness Katya

Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engins!

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