[Loch-soilleir] 2007 Budget Requests

Hedwig von Luneborg lochherald at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 05:52:54 PST 2006

Guten Tag,
First the business:

*Herald's Office 2007 Budget *

   - AG $12.00 (which I'll need at populace so I can mail it in in time
   to get January's pub)
   - Markers $6.00 (3 sets)
   - stamps $54.00 (3 books)
   - Miss  $28.00 (just to make a round number and you never know what
   might come up)
   - TOTAL $100.00
   Brian will be taking over as herald in June when my warrant is up.
   I've asked him to think about anything he feels he might want to purchase
   (book wise etc) so we can add that in or let you know at populace.  However,
   I think that this is a pretty fair number.  I doubt he'll do a Domesday and
   really we have a decent library now...but Brian has dreams of being

Now, for fun stuff...
Gunthar and I got to talking about it and we've decided if the offer still
stands we would LOVE about 4 of those nifty hospital blankets Ebbie
mentioned to us the other night.  If you want to bring them to practice
tonight that would be great!  Otherwise we'll be at Melees about 4:00 or
5:00 Friday...
We're bringing a supply of beer/ale/Guinness to contribute to the ummmm the
ahhhh hmmmm to share :-D  is there a particular type you or Ebbie prefer to
any others?


Ich bin NICHT eine Eule!

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