[Loch-soilleir] December - Question of the Month

Tunello, Alyssa Alyssa.Tunello at escg.jacobs.com
Wed Nov 22 07:02:23 PST 2006

Oubliette - Pit or Cell under a donjon, where prisoners might be thrown
and forgotten.

Alyssa Tunello
ESCG - Information Technology 
Ph: 281-461-5067
Pg: 281-621-3139
txt pg: 2816213139 at archwireless.net
alyssa.tunello at escg.jacobs.com

-----Original Message-----
From: loch-soilleir-bounces at ansteorra.org
[mailto:loch-soilleir-bounces at ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Hedwig von
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 11:03 PM
To: Loch Soilleir Announcements
Subject: Re: [Loch-soilleir] December - Question of the Month

Whats the word of the month?

On 11/21/06, Giovanna Bresciano <txpcgirle at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Ciao a Tutti,
> It's Question Time again... So get out your thinking caps and answer
> away...
> Which Time period would you travel back to and why?
> Don't forget... your answer will appear in the December Issue of The
> Serpent's Tale, newsletter for the Barony of Loch Soilleir.
> If you have a question you'd like to have answered send it in and I'll
> the answer for you...
> Please respond by Wednesday 11/29.
> Nel Servizio,
> Signora Giovanna Bresciano Barony of Loch Soilleir - Chronicler
> txpcgirle at hotmail.com
> If you Send it......                                ......I will Print
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Herrin Hedwig

Ich bin NICHT eine Eule!
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