[Loch-soilleir] for those who know

Geneva or Tracy Tanner tanner.g at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 23 18:49:12 PST 2006

I am sorry for the bandwith but know of no other way to let the most people know with the least time involved. 
  My husband Lord Gordon MacGregor Mka Tracy Tanner Had a car accident on Monday on his way to work. He was trapped in the car for 45 min. He has a broken femur on his left leg they are going to do another cat scan either tonight or in the morning and sometime before monday they are going to operate to install a metal plate and pins to hold it in place. That is all the information I have at this time. Thank you to every one for your calls and e-mails they have been invaluable to me to keep me from going crazy :-)
  Lady Gwen

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