[Loch-soilleir] Domesday

Kathy Elliott bardkat at verizon.net
Mon Sep 18 06:20:38 PDT 2006


We have moved, but will be moving again in January, so I don't want to post
my current address either.

Please change me contact information to kelliott at sjgs.org.  That's my work
e-mail, and it's the one thing I know will stay constant no matter where we
go.  Please delete our address and phone number, and the old e-mail address.
They are no longer valid.


(Katrina of Coventry & Michael of Redheugh)

-----Original Message-----
From: loch-soilleir-bounces at ansteorra.org
[mailto:loch-soilleir-bounces at ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Hedwig von
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 7:56 AM
To: Loch Soilleir Announcements
Subject: [Loch-soilleir] Domesday

Greetings unto all on this soggy Monday morning,
This is the last reminder to go out about the Domesday updates.  If you want
IN or you want OUT or you have new information to be added or corrected you
have until tomorrow morning to get that to me.  After that I will be doing
the final proof print to take with me to populace tomorrow night.  Once it
has been passed around populace the ONLY editing that will be done is to
correct anything pointed out during populace. The Domesday will be available
at Tourney by the Loch October 7,2006.

Thank you,


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