[Loch-soilleir] Fighter practice 2/6/2007 - Melee Practice

Drake Dunivan drakedunivan at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 5 20:31:54 PST 2007

I find this kinda funny.

When knight wants a melee practice it happens, but yet
knights are rarely seen at fighter practice any other

Yea I know, I am opening a can of worms here but its
just what I have seen in the past few years and I
myself is guilty for not showing up to practice
(mainly for school).

But I do remember the days when showing up to fight
practice and Sir Alexis, Sir William, Sir Godwin,
Centarian Ulstead, and other were to there to teach
the fighters how to hit, how to hold a shield, etc. 
Now its Wissa, Madog, an occasional visitor or so.

All I really wanted to do is show how our fighter
practice has dwindled down over the years. And this
was a good excuse, for me at least to reply.

Hopefully, in the future we can move away from
backyard practices and bring back the weekly fight
practice that we used to have.  I know time and
personal issues are the reason why things are the way
they are now.  And with a larger group people with
higher experience and stamina may not get as a good as
work as they do in a backyard practice, but I do
believe it would benefit the people with less
experience as they can receive instruction to improve
their skills.  I know from personal experience I enjoy
fighting against more then the same 2-3 people week
after week.

Perhaps a change in the day and location we have fight
practice might help do that.


--- Fergus Stout <bullheaded67 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Sir Alexis has asked that tomorrow night be devoted
> primarily to melee as we have Coastal Invasion in a
> few weeks and Gulf War looms upon us.  Please bring
> out your melee gear and lets form up squads and
> practice strategies.
> In service,
> Fergus
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