[Loch-soilleir] Gulf War Food Group

Kathy Cofrin kcofrin at flash.net
Wed Jan 17 15:32:01 PST 2007

I would like to join the group.  I can cook for 15 or
so.  I can do breakfast and supper or just supper. 
Mundane food is my only requirement.  I have a single
burner stove.

--- Geneva or Tracy Tanner <tanner.g at sbcglobal.net>

> I and my family are okay with that. :-) But I do
> have a question if we are cooking does the food have
> to be period food and period cooking or can it be
> good old fashioned Mundane food???
>   Gwen
>   Oh and MY limit on how many to cook for is between
> 12-15 people beyond that the mind just goes on
> holiday. 
> Bill Butler <chemistbb3 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>   I am just floating this out there to see who would
> be
> interested in setting up a food group for the Loch
> at
> Gulf War this year. Also, how do you want to handle
> it. Dinner only, Breakfast and Dinner, or how?
> Basic rule in the past has been to divide up the
> number of days by the number of people in the food
> group and that gives you the number of folks that
> are
> in charge of the meal for that day. If it is your
> day, it is your responsibility to provide the meal
> and
> clean up afterward.
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Kathy Cofrin
Baroness Katya

Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engins!

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