[Loch-soilleir] Fw: [Gatesedge] Janet of House Morning Star

Scott Ballentine bullheaded67 at yahoo.com
Thu May 22 06:02:25 PDT 2008

I hate to pass along sad news but wanted everyone to be aware.


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Diane Maynard <camelothorse at earthlink.net>
To: "Shire of Gate's Edge - SCA, Inc." <gatesedge at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 7:50:48 AM
Subject: [Gatesedge] Janet of House Morning Star

I do not know how to say this but, Janet of House Morning Star died this morning between 5 and 6:00 am.  James (her husband) heard her cry out in loud moans from the other room and found her lying on the floor.  He dialed 911 and attempted CPR until the paramedics arrived and took over.  She was non-responsive but, they continued trying to revive her while transporting her to St. Luke’s Hospital. 
I do not know what else to say.  I am in shock.  Janet and I were great friends in and out of the SCA and I had just been with Janet and James yesterday afternoon.  I know that James is lost without her and is going to need all of our support.  He is currently waiting for Janet’s family to arrive at the hospital so he can find out what their wishes are.  When I get more information, I will post again.
Gwenhavre (Diane Maynard)
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