[Loch-soilleir] Thoughts To Consider for Populace Next Week

Donna Nesbit themaefare at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 12 13:56:52 PDT 2009

I am glad that you brought this issue into the open at a forum that more people will see than those that attend populace.  Please do not assume that all people that do not attend populace do not care enough to do so.  
I work every Tuesday and Wednesday night.  Also, my schedule changes at least 3 times a year. Because of this I also cannot make many guild meetings.  In addition, making events is often difficult for me because of health issues.  I have offered to help many times when I knew of a need.  When I offered, I felt that I was either forgotten (never included in the plans) or that my help was considered unimportant (it's the least I could have done) or that I was unappreciated (rarely thanked). I know from talking to others that mine is not an uncommon complaint. 
Despite this, I continue to try to help when and if I may.  I know of a number of people that might be willing to help and join in, but they do not live in the Clear Lake/ Pearland area.  For many of them, making it to populace is difficult because of work schedules and distance.  
Therefore, one thing to consider is what area actually constitutes the Loch.  I know that the area is determined by the zipcodes, but are we really servicing all of the areas in those zipcodes.  Also, the people need to think of their attitudes.  Much of that was covered in Alan's post.  New people or people just out of touch do not know what is needed or who to contact if they can help.  I know that being an officer or deputy or steward are our biggest needs, but what other areas do we need help in.  Maybe someone that is not in a position to take on an official post could help someone who has.  An example would be helping the chronicler with items for the newsletter.  Another would be helping with one specific thing at an event (coordinating gate, newcomer's pavillon to help the hospitlar).  I am sure each officer can think of several things that would make their job easier.  Putting out a list of areas to help on this list may bring in
 people willing or able to work that cannot always make meetings.  
I know this post is long.  However, I wanted to offer some suggestions even though I cannot make populace.  I appreciate Baron Bors' and Alan's comments (even though one was inadverdant).  Whether we need to stay a barony or move to a shire is not something that is lightly considered.  Many options need to be discussed such as number of members, numbers of active members, and other strategies that could be used.
Penelope Miriam Darling

--- On Wed, 8/12/09, Langhans, Erik <elanghans at khou.com> wrote:

From: Langhans, Erik <elanghans at khou.com>
Subject: [Loch-soilleir] Thoughts To Consider for Populace Next Week
To: "Loch Soilleir Announcements" <loch-soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org>
Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 10:39 AM

Will you be at populace?  You should.  I would like to put out a thought for consideration and discussion.  

There are some critical issues impacting the health and well-being of our Barony...

It has become critically hard to find replacements for any and all of our required offices (Seneschal, Treasurer, Hospitaler, Chronicler, Herald, A&S and/or Marshal (Rapier and/or Chivalric).  That is 7-8 officers.

It has become critically hard to find ER deputies for any and all of our required officer (Seneschal, Treasurer, Hospitaler, Chronicler, Herald, A&S and/or Marshal (Rapier and/or Chivalric).  That is 7-8 ER Deputy Officers.

It has become critically hard to find folks to Steward and/or Cater our required Baronial events. 2 Events.

It has become critically hard to find folks to Steward and/or Cater our additional Baronial events. 1-2 events.

There is a lot of officer hat passing; one officer stepping down only to take up a new office because no one wanted to take it.

Let's do the math.  7 required officers + 7 ER Deputies to those officers = 14 officer.  Plus 2-3 Stewards + 2-3 Caterers.

Sooooooo.....here is the question.  Take a deep breath.

Has the time come to pack it in and move from Barony to Shire.  If you do this you are only required to fill 3 offices; (Seneschal, Treasurer, and one of the following Herald, A&S and/or Marshal (Rapier and/or Chivalric).

If you do not think we should become a Shire, NOW is time to step up and take an office or a ER deputy position.  I did my part.  Aside from my duties as a Director on the Board of SCA, Inc., yesterday I spoke with Wissa to become one of her Knight Marshal Deputies. I also pledge to put my application in for that office if and when it opens up fo apps. 

What office will you take? 

Or should we become a Shire? 

See you next Tues for a lively discussion.  Please come.  If you only come once per year, come to the next populace.

Master Modius von Mergentheim, OL, OP, WSA, CSS, Baron, Lion
Proud Loch Subject 
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