[Loch-soilleir] A&S activities this month

Loch Soilleir Minister of Arts & Sciences loch.moas at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 18:05:33 PDT 2009

3 things for the populace:

1:  What have you been up to during August?  Guilds and individuals please
send me a few words by the end of the month.

2:  For those wanting to to "get out a bit" with their A&S creations, the
next weveral weekends all offer events with chances to show your stuff.  All
competitions in the next few weeks are very accessible, in that there are no
specific themes, and documentation is not required (though always a bonus).
If you want more details on any of them, ask me or check out the event
8/29  - Jagermeister - A&S and brewing competitions
9/5 - Gothic War - A&S competition for one of the war points
9/12 - Laurel's Prize Tourney - this one isn't a competition per se, but it
is an awesome opportunity to have a lot of very skilled people see your
creatioins and offer you advice/praise/etc.
9/19 - Defender of the Fort - A&S, bardic, brewing, and banner
competitions.  Lots of stuff!

And don't forget Tourney By The Loch, which will have its own A&S
competiton, as well as two brewing competitions (newcomers, and everyone).
There's still time to start something for any of the above!

3:  If you're still reading this, you must really be into A&S...which is
perfect!  I am in need of a deputy.  I just started my term of office, so
chances are you'd be no more than a deputy for a good long time.  If you're
interested, please contact me.  Deputy A&S has to be one of the easiest jobs
around.  Do something artsy or sciency, share it with people.  Done!

In Service to the Dream,

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