[Loch-soilleir] December Issue of The Serpent's Tale

Loch Chronicler loch.chronicler at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 09:58:48 PST 2009

December AS XLIV, being 2009 of the Common Era

As I'm sure you're all noticing, this is an unusual Serpent's Tale! I
suffered a rather catastrophic hard-drive crash at the end of November, and
though all of the previous issues are around, I have a new operating system
that is apparently incompatible with all of the software previously used to
publish the ST.

While I attempt to rectify that, there are a few big announcements in this
abbreviated issue – first is the introduction of my new deputy, Onora. You
may have met her at the November's Populace meeting, and I am sure she will
do a fantastic job picking up the Serpent's Tale as your full time
Chronicler after January's Red-Tape meeting.

As a secondary side-effect of the loss of so much information, I lost the
saved mailing list for the Serpent's Tale as well. (I know I had a regular
old printed-out, hard-copy of that list for just such an occasion, but it
has vanished, probably when we moved earlier this year.) This missive is
being sent via the Loch List – but future issues will be sent via email as

As such, if you wish to get a copy of the Serpent's Tale, you will need to
SEND AN EMAIL to Loch.Chronicler at gmail.com letting me know – again – that
you've subscribed. Your patience is overwhelmingly appreciated.

Unto the Serpentine Populace of Loch Soilleir doth HL Hedwig von Luneborg
send urgent greetings.
I have happily served this barony for the last two years as your seneschal.
December brings nigh the end of my tenure.  It is with mixed emotion that I
step down.  A bitter sweet thing is the end of tenure for a group such as
our wonderful family here in the Loch.  January will be my final meeting as
seneschal and to that end is the reason of this urgent missive unto you.  I
can not extend my tenure beyond January.  As of January Round Table, which
happens to be the Saturday after populace, we will no longer have a
seneschal for Loch Soilleir.  This fact means we will no longer be a viable
group.  Lord Brian has willingly served as ER Deputy but cannot in good
faith take over the office as he will be moving on to Law School in some
other distant realm too soon after taking office.

So, we need applications ASAP for this office.  Please send your application
to me, the Baron and Baroness and the coastal regional seneschal.  You can
find the application here:
http://seneschal.ansteorra.org/forms/ApplicationJan08.pdf. Also, please
include a copy of your membership card and copy of your TX DL with the
number blacked out if you desire.  These are to prove you area paid member
and legally live in our kingdom (paperwork being what it is and all).

I can not stress the urgency of this need enough.

In Service,
HL Hedwig, seneschal (exiting stage left)



We've been having lots of fun teaching new fighters at practice.  I would be
great to see even more experienced fighters to give the new ones more people
to play with.  Lochtoberfset saw lots of great fighting, and of course a
great game of lochtoberball!

On another note, as I need to make another trip to the fatherland, and I
don't know how long I'm going to be there for, I'm vacating the office of
knight marshal.  Anyone interested in being the next knight marshal please
send applications to the Baron and Baroness, Seneschal and regional knight
You can find the application here:

In Service


His Majesty Owen did see fit to give recognition to one of our own.  Known
by many names throughout many lands, she helps many with research,
embroidery, casting, and so on and so forth.  At Stargate Yule, King Owen
summoned Magdelena von Hallenberg in to His Court and had Master Modius read
the words that He and His Lady Wife had for this lady.  And when Modius was
done reading, all knew that Maggie was the newest companion to the Order of
the Iris of Merit!



At this month’s populace, event and promotion ideas were brought up for
discussion by the newest member of the Order of the Iris of Merit, HL
Magdalena von Hallenburg..  Also it was brought before the populace that a
decision is needed on the co-hosting an even with Stargate.  It was decided
to wait until more members were present as well as Their Excellencies before
making a formal decision.

LOCH YULE was discussed and newcomers were told what to expect.  It’s to be
a day of fun, food and filk with “The Rat Pack” being the theme. Our next
Populace meeting will be held at this informal gathering. We will also be
doing a stocking exchange, so please bring a stocking with a nametag (we do
tend to indicate which stockings belong to who, and clump them by age, so
age appropriate items can be given).  Everyone is requested to bring a dish
and a costume contest will be held as well.


That's all for this month, thanks to needing to get this information out
ASAP, and all the fun that rebuilding a computer brings.

Please remember to send another email to that hapless idiot of a chronicler
reminding her that you have subscribed  – that address is
Loch.Chronicler at gmail.com.
Anne atte Rydeforde
Loch Soilleir Chronicler

Feudalism.... it's your Count that votes!

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